Useful Linux commands
Check physical processors
grep "physical id" /proc/cpuinfo | sort | uniq | wc -l
Check virtual processors
grep "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l
Check No. of Cores
grep "cpu cores" /proc/cpuinfo | uniq -- cores
Find the start time of any service
ps -eo pid,lstart,cmd | grep python
ps -ef | grep nohup
ps -A | grep python
List the files in descending order of thier modified date.
ls -lrth
Delete the files with specfic string in filename
find . -name "*bak*" -delete
find . -name "*bak*" -print ---> To list all
ls -l --group-directories-first
grep "physical id" /proc/cpuinfo | sort | uniq | wc -l
Check virtual processors
grep "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l
Check No. of Cores
grep "cpu cores" /proc/cpuinfo | uniq -- cores
Find the start time of any service
ps -eo pid,lstart,cmd | grep python
ps -ef | grep nohup
ps -A | grep python
List the files in descending order of thier modified date.
ls -lrth
Delete the files with specfic string in filename
find . -name "*bak*" -delete
find . -name "*bak*" -print ---> To list all
ls -l --group-directories-first
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